Saturday, August 21, 2010

Finding Food

We took a trip to the West Side Market this morning (our usual Saturday morning adventure)... and local food abounds! If you are in the Cleveland area, visit the Basketeria stand to find tons of Ohio produce this week!
In addition, here are some resources for food supplies:
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA)'s website, with links to farms across Ohio-- this one's great because you can search by what item you're looking for:
Ohio Proud, which lists food and agricultural products grown in Ohio at: (not all organic)
Eat Wild, which lists grass fed animals raised in Ohio for those of you who eat meat:
The USDA has a list of local farmer's markets across the US; that can be found at:
City Fresh, which is a community supported agriculture (CSA) program in three Ohio counties (including our own, Cuyahoga) and can be found at:
And, I found the blog of someone who did an Ohio local food challenge a few years ago; a couple of these links I found because of her... so visit her blog from her challenge at:

Sharon, Todd and I are visiting a local farm in Ravenna next weekend; Tim Fox at Breakneck Acres-- I spoke to him on the phone for a while yesterday, and he was great. You can "like" his farm on facebook at: or visit the farm in person.

Hope you find this helpful! Of course, if you don't live in Ohio, there are probably similar websites/programs in your area... and just a few minutes on Google should find you what you need.

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